Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5 Proven Ways To Generate Website Traffic

Getting traffic to any website should be the number one goal of any serious internet marketer. There are many different strategies to implement in order to create a constant flow of traffic. Getting a lot of traffic to a website is a simple but time consuming task. There are 5 proven ways to generate website traffic that in my personal experiences have yielded great results. These traffic generating strategies do require a little bit of time, but the results are pretty much guaranteed.

Forums are a great to for networking with fellow internet entrepreneurs and asking question that evoke informative answers. Using forums can increase your knowledge of your niche market. Forums can also be use as a traffic generation tool that can generate a steady flow of traffic to your website. You simply set up a signature(your website url) to use on all your forum postings, every time you post to the forums your signature will appear, thus creating a link back to your website. Make sure you sincere in your in your postings, eventually the members will begin to respect your opinion and even refer your services to other marketers.

Using blogs is one of the simplest way to generate traffic to your website. Many people get intimidated when it comes to writing blogs, but the truth is you do not have to be a great writer to enjoy the flow of traffic that blogs generate. Blogs are simply your thoughts and ideas, the best way to communicate in a blog is to write the same way you speak. Make sure that when you are blogging you use the keywords relevant to your niche at least 5 times in the body of your blog. You can get indexed rather quickly with blogs, therefore generating a lot of traffic to your website through the search engines.

Getting backlink is a traffic generating technique that you can get started on immediately. Backlinks can be achieve several ways, one is a reciprocal link. Reciprocal links is when you place another marketers link on your website in exchange for them placing your link on theirs. Another way is to place ads free or paid in several listings across the internet using your url as the source. The best way I have found to use backlinks is posting to another website such as a popular blogspot.

Yahoo Answers:
Yeah that’s right! Yahoo Answers! Answering questions related to your niche will help you to generate traffic to your website for the simple fact that Yahoo allows you to post your url as the source of the answer. After answering a few questions on the same topic, people will began to recognize you as an expert. Being seen as an expert in your niche topic will give you credibility and help generate even more unique visitors to your website.

Thank You Page:
Do you have use a squeeze page to generate traffic to your website? When someone fills your form with their information it takes them to a thank you page where the message usually reads”thank you for your subscription…etc”. Did you know that you can redirect your thank you page to any website of your choice. Redirecting your thank you page is a great way to generate targeted traffic to your site. The reason the traffic is targeted is because the person signing the form was definitely interest in your product, why not redirect themto your blog or another website with similar content. You might be able to make a sale right away as opposed to them going through your autoresponder.

Getting a lot of traffic to your website is definitely a full time job, but if you dedicate yourself to learning a few every week, it becomes second nature. There are several more ways to generate traffic to your site, these five examples was just a few of them. I will disclose 5 more ways in my next posting.

To Your Success,
Marc Marseille

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