Have you heard the news, internet marketing as we know it is dead. If you are currently in an mlm opportunity that promises you exponential growth with the concept that you recruit 5 people who recruit 5 people, I am sorry to tell that very few people benefit from that concept. The popularity of the internet and the constant prelaunches of new mlm opportunities is destroying downlines as soon as they are established. It has become nearly impossible to keep your downline in tact with the constant distraction of new prelaunches offering a ground floor opportunity. The secret formula to success on the internet is no longer MLM, it is GPT.
GPT simply stated means GET PAID TODAY. Just imagine you build your downline to a mammoth proportion and one of your top prospect jumps ship. It is a scary thought, Isn’t it? The majority of your downline is going to consist of a few big hitters and many followers that are holding on for dear life. So, when one of your big hitters defects, along with them goes several other followers with your residual commission income. Trying to keep your MLM opportunity from becoming an MLM headache is like trying to slow down the cost of gasoline. Let’s face it, new MLM prelaunch businesses are a dime a dozen. The time is now to start seriously looking at an alternative to your soon to be MLM troubles.
The Advantages of GPT OPP’s:
1. GPT opportunities usually consist of a ONE TIME payment
2. You can get paid daily as opposed to monthly
3. Your commission is much higher
4. You can still create a residual income
5. It cost less over time than MLM
6. It attracts more real opportunity seekers than tire kickers
Many MLM diehards will have a hard time letting go of the concept of these huge downline that traditional MLM companies offer, for these diehard I have created an example of how GPT opportunities dominate MLM.
Imagine that your MLM is generating you $4,000 dollars a month for at least 2 years, that is one thousand members yielding you an average commission of $4 a month. In the span of 2 years you would have made $96,000. One of your top performers defects to a program offering ground floor opportunity with a higher commission, and decides to recruit half of your downline to his/her new opportunity. Your $4,000 dollar a month cushion has been dwindled in half; Do you think it will easier or harder to rebuild your team considering the competition?
In a similar scenario using a GPT opportunity such as EZ Wealth with 1000 members, you would have achieve that $96,000 In 3 months or less.
The economy is at such a volatile state that waiting to paid later doesn’t make much sense, especially if your money will be worth less later. GPT offers you the opportunity to GET PAID TODAY and invest your money in others ventures that will result in just as much income from interest as those nickel MLM commissions. Internet MLM prelaunches is responsible for the death of multi level marketing; Are you ready to take your internet career to the next level?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Internet Prelaunches Wanted For Death Of Network Marketing
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Giveaway Cash: Is EZ Wealth The Solution To Wealth
Giveaway Cash: Is EZ Wealth The Solution To Wealth
Cash leverage systems or cash gifting programs have emerged as one of the most popular solutions to wealth on the internet. As enticing as they may seem, I could not understand the concept of sending anyone my first referral, sometimes as much as $3500 dollars. Marketing on the internet can be a tireless, time consuming project and most cash gifting programs require that after your hard work, you must give up one or two referrals in some cases. The 1up or 2up system in conjunction with the high cost of these money gifting programs crushed my curiousity everytime.
In recent months these cash leverage programs have made a drastic change in the way they operate. Instead of the high cost associated with joining, they have made it more affordable with programs like the Little Guy Network. You can join the Little Guy Network for as little as $200 dollars,LGN uses the 1up system plus there is a monthly charge of $19.95 to be in the network. Once again, enticing but still a litte too pricy for me, especially for a program that I am not sure works. I am not trying to be overly critical, but I was waiting for a money gifting program that eleviated some of the risk with proven results that I could see for myself.
And Finally…A cash leverage system that delivers the results before you deliver your hard earn cash to your sponsor.
How Does It Work?
EZ Wealth has provided a true solution to wealth by using the pay it forward system to make sense of legal cash gifting programs. Basically the person that sponsors you will bypass your initial $47.00 payment until you get your first referral. Your sponsor also adds your referral url to a rotator which he or she promotes, thus helping you to achieve your first 3 referrals. This system allows you to take a free tour of the money gifting program and get some referrals before you’re liable to pay anything. It takes the risk away while your build your daily cash factory. I don’t know about you but I have decided to handle internet offers with kid gloves as of late, it definitely is time to stop being a victim.
As always, do your due diligence when selecting your internet programs, especially giveaway cash programs, there is no certain solution to wealth. The only certainty you can have is to educate yourself and make wise choices. Being successful on the internet can be like winning lotto cash and just as difficult. I hope this report was a help in guiding you in the right direction.
Friday, September 12, 2008
One Way Link Building That Works
I recently (not so recent actually, about 3 months back) discovered a truly one way link building service that works like a charm and I am excited to share it with you.
Why one way link building?
You should know that one of the best ways to get traffic is by getting many top keyword rankings in the search engines. To get a top keyword ranking, you need to have good one way links from different websites linking to your keyword page.
That’s why one way link building is one of the most important tasks in search engine optimization.
How to get one way links?
About 3 months back, I came across a one way link building service called LinkVana.
How LinkVana Works?
In simplicity, LinkVana allows you to submit short articles (100 words) with your anchor links in them to a network of blogs. All the blogs are on different IP addresses with Page Ranks.
There is no limit on the number of posts (and thus one way links) you can make. Technically speaking, you can have hundreds of one way link to any webpage you like, including your Squidoo page.
So if this service really does what it claims, LinkVana is going to be a Link Nirvana!!
And it IS a Link Nirvana!! Let me show you……
The most honest LinkVana review
Here was what I did 3 months ago to test this one way link building service:
I have a poor-performing 40-page Adsense website and it was generating about $20 Adsense income a month. (See my May earning)
I posted 40 100-word articles to LinkVana, each article link to one of the pages in my 40-page website. In other words, I submitted 1 post for every page of my website. I did it on the 5th of June 2008.
Please note that LinkVana will not post all the links at the same time. In my case, I set the system to post 1-3 links a day. So it took the system about a month for all the links to be posted. Yet, I was already seeing immediate result in June.
See my June earning from the website…
All the 40 posts were completed in June. In July, my Adsense earning from this website exceeded $100.
Ok, money aside, let’s look at the traffic stat for this website.
The traffic began to increase in June (the month when I started building 1 one way link to each page of my website) and remained stable in July and August.
The screenshot below shows you the top 10 search engine keywords for the website in May (before I use LinkVana) and in August (2 months after I use LinkVana).
You can see that with just 1 post to each page, I’m starting to get top rankings in many keywords that I’m trying to target.
Another interesting note is that I’m starting to get more traffic from shorter keywords. Before using the service, I’m getting traffic from 4- to 5-word keywords. After submission, all my top 10 are 3- to 4-word keywords.
Frankly, I feel like hitting an SEO jackpot!
What would happen if I continue to build more one way links to this website? Remember, there is no limit on the number of links you can build using LinkVana.
I stopped my experiment on this website at this point because I wanted to post links to ALL my other websites and see if the results are similar.
I have close to 100 websites and you can imagine it will take me some time before I complete all the submissions.
I am not even half way through the work but based on the progress so far, I’m already experiencing 13% increase in my total Adsense income.
LinkVana subscription costs $147 a month. Not cheap. If not because someone I trusted recommended this one way link building service to me, I wouldn’t even give it a look.
LinkVana membership is limited to only 300 members. At $147 a month, I don’t think it will be taken up fast. But don’t take too long to make your decision or you’ll regret when the door is closed.
Special bonus for those who take action
A bonus for those who take up this one way link building service.
If you subscribe through this link, I’m going to give you my Linkvana Blueprint. In this blueprint, I will show you how I set up LinkVana for 100 websites. Doing it for 1 website is easy, but doing it for 100 websites easily will need some tricks. Once you’re subscribed, simply email the receipt to support[at]leadsleap[dot]com, with the subject “My LinkVana Bonus”. I will email you the blueprint personally.
Happy one way link building!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
How To Pick A Great Affiliate Product To Market
If you are a newbie internet marketer, one of the fastest ways to get started is affiliate marketing. Marketing affiliate products is very cost effective because it gives you the opportunity to market other marketers products without having to spend large amounts of money on websites and the development of products of your own. A great way to market affiliate products is by using blogs to offer product reviews using highly targeted keywords. While blogs are very effective, they will not guarantee your success if you are not promoting a product with a high conversion rate.
Choosing a high converting product takes a little bit of skill and the internet knowhow. It is not difficult to learn the what to look when choosing a product that sells, but there are a few simple rules that you must follow:
1. Try to choose a product that consumers need. Health and Fitness products are usually high converting products because so many people are self conscious about their appearance.
2. Try to choose product that doesn’t have too many competitors. If you are promoting a product that has a lot of competitors, you will have to work twice as hard to succeed.
3. Choose a product that your passionate about. For example if you are an internet marketer, you should choose a product that is related to your niche. The better you understand your product, the easier you will be able to write articles pertaining to that affiliate product.
4. Try to choose a product that offers a residual commission plan. This last rule is not mandatory if you have a affiliate product that produces constant sales, but it is definitely more lucrative if you choose a product that can pay you a residual income month after month off one sale.
How Do I Find High Converting Products?
To find high converting products you can visit Commission Junction, Click Bank, Pay Dot Com or Never Blue Ads. If you are a need of a great affiliate product that converts well and are not sure what to look for, I recommend Reliable Contact. They provide internet marketers with fresh leads every month. Their compensation plan offers a 2 tier monthly residual payout.
Marketing affiliate products on the internet can create a healthy income, remember to follow the tips I stated above and you can be well on your way to becoming a successful affiliate marketer.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Pay Per Click: Stop Playing And Start Paying
Internet Marketing is quite alluring, many marketers are drawn in by the infinite amounts of earning potential. Almost every advertisement speaks of how easy it is to make a fortune on the internet, the unfortunate part of these advertisements is that it draws individuals looking for something for nothing. I don’t know about you, but I have never received anything without working for it one way or another. Although I do recommend started out with free programs to get your feet wet while you learn how to market on the internet, it is not the road to infinite amounts of earning potential. Pay Per Click can be transformed into Pay You Per Click if you serious marketer and take the time to study your niche.
One of the many reasons that marketers tend to shy away from PPC campaigns is that Pay Per Click advertising is totally different from posting ads in a magazine. Pay Per Click advertising is a direct opposite of any other advertising on the internet and the most effective when done correctly. The difference between PPC campaigns is that any fluff or deceitful advertising will effect predatory marketers in their pockets. The strategy of enticing prospects to click on your ad based on curiosity is disarmed by PPC campaigns.
Pay Per Click advertising separates the real marketers from the fluff marketers and that’s the reason the many internet marketers are apprehensive.
Three Rules To A Successful PPC Campaign:
1. Include the price if any in your PPC ads
2. Describe your product as clearly as possible
3. Choose your keyword carefully ( Do Not Be Too Broad)
To achieve internet success I truly believe that it is mandatory to include PPC advertising to you repertoire of weapons. PPC advertising does not have to be costly if you have follow the rules of the game. If you are unsure of how to successfully put together a PPC campaign I recommend joining Facebook and signing up to the Visa Business Network. The Visa Business Network is currently offering $100 dollars in PPC advertising. I recommend Facebook because they are by far the strictest I have found in accepting PPC advertising, if your advertising has any fluff they will reject it. Using Facebook’s PPC campaign will help you to develope your skills for Google and the other search giants.