Sunday, May 25, 2008

5 More Traffic Generation Techniques

Three days ago I wrote an article discussing 5 proven traffic generating techniques. I receive so much feed back that I decided to go ahead and discuss 5 more unique tactics for generating traffic. Traffic Generation is one of the processes that every internet marketer will have to tackle sooner or later. It is a process that will require thought and patience. Even If you are using paid methods such as Adwords PPC it will take some level of skill to choose your keywords to avoid clashing with your competitors. I recommend using the free methods first until you have a strong knowledge in SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and Adwords PPC. Today I will disclose 5 more traffic generation techniques that will drive traffic to your website for free.


Article writing is a very powerful way to generate traffic to your website. Writing articles is a traffic generation tool that is similar to blogs, except for the fact that with articles you have to spend a little more time on grammar and punctuations. Article directories and article ezines are more strict when it comes to guidelines for submitting your articles. There are certain things that are definitely unacceptable, one of them is using articles for commercial purposes. Articles are meant to be more informational than commercial. The best way to go around that is to leave your website at the end of your article as the source of the information provided. Articles are a proven way to generate traffic because not only will you appear to be an expert in your niche, your article will circulate throughout the internet indefinitely, thus creating traffic to your site.

Traffic Exchanges:

Traffic exchanges are by far my favorite method of driving unlimited amounts of traffic to your website. Traffic exchanges are websites that award its members with advertising credits in exchange for viewing other members websites or business opportunities. The reason most internet marketers will tell that traffic exchanges are not good ways of generating traffic is because most internet marketers do not know how to use the traffic exchanges. The key to using the traffic exchanges is not to market your personal website. Mostly everybody using the TE’s are there to promote their business opportunities or to generate traffic to their website, so the best way to attract to them is to offer a traffic generation tool. The tool I use most often to stop the traffic exchange surfers in their track, is a free e-book on how to generate traffic to their website. Once you have their attention you can now use traffic generation technique number 3, the opt-in form.

Opt-in Form:

An opt-in form is a web form used to capture a prospects name, e-mail address or phone number. Opt-in forms are use a lot in the traffic exchanges, the way it works is you offer a prospect a free gift or service, but they must fill out your form in order to receive delivery of their gift. You can also use an opt-in form on your website as a to follow up to potential customers through e-mail. The value in the opt-in list is that the person that signed-up to your listing was interested in your product. You can use your list to generate traffic by sending regular mailings to your list using your website address in the signature of every mailing. You can also introduce the people on your list to other products or websites you may have, creating traffic to multiple websites. One caution is to make sure not to spam your list, because just as they opt-in, they can choose to opt-out.

Free Ads:

Free advertising is a multi faceted traffic generation tool that I use frequently in my web promotions. Free advertising sites offer you free advertising to entice you to upgrade in the future. When you place an ad with a free advertising website you are basically testing that website to see if your ad will generate traffic to your site, once your ads begins to generate traffic, you will most likely upgrade your account. One of the most popular free advertising sites on the net is Linkscout. Linkscout provides its members with their own advertising suite to list all their ads for free. You can list all your ads on one page along the person that sponsored you, to have your ads shown exclusively, you must upgrade. I believe that free advertising websites are truly a win-win situation when it comes to traffic generation. Other popular free advertising websites are AdlandPro and Hits2U.

Downline Builders:

The hardest task in internet marketing is learning how to manage your time. It is easy to find new ways to advertise or different programs to generate traffic. The question is how to find the time to promote all these programs? The easiest way to promote your multiple traffic generating programs are downline builders. Most free advertising sites and traffic exchanges offer downline builders to their members in order to assist them in building the amount of members they refer. Downline builders are tool use to multiply your efforts by using one url to promote several different programs. When someone visits your url provided by your downline builder, they are also introduced to the to the various traffic generation programs that you promote. If they join any of your other programs, you are then given more advertising credits to aid in generating even more traffic to your website. Usually most downline buildesr offer money when your referrals upgrade their account to a paid membership. Vital Viral, Traffic Tornado, Yorgoo and most of the traffic exchanges offer downline builders.

Being successful in internet marketing has nothing to do with your financial status, your education or your experience. Success on the internet has everything to do with using the proper system. Finding a traffic generation system that you use can to consistently generate traffic to your website is the key to success on the internet. Once you have a few traffic generating programs that you are comfortable with, you can plug any program or product into your system to generate income.

To Your Success,
Marc Marseille

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5 Proven Ways To Generate Website Traffic

Getting traffic to any website should be the number one goal of any serious internet marketer. There are many different strategies to implement in order to create a constant flow of traffic. Getting a lot of traffic to a website is a simple but time consuming task. There are 5 proven ways to generate website traffic that in my personal experiences have yielded great results. These traffic generating strategies do require a little bit of time, but the results are pretty much guaranteed.

Forums are a great to for networking with fellow internet entrepreneurs and asking question that evoke informative answers. Using forums can increase your knowledge of your niche market. Forums can also be use as a traffic generation tool that can generate a steady flow of traffic to your website. You simply set up a signature(your website url) to use on all your forum postings, every time you post to the forums your signature will appear, thus creating a link back to your website. Make sure you sincere in your in your postings, eventually the members will begin to respect your opinion and even refer your services to other marketers.

Using blogs is one of the simplest way to generate traffic to your website. Many people get intimidated when it comes to writing blogs, but the truth is you do not have to be a great writer to enjoy the flow of traffic that blogs generate. Blogs are simply your thoughts and ideas, the best way to communicate in a blog is to write the same way you speak. Make sure that when you are blogging you use the keywords relevant to your niche at least 5 times in the body of your blog. You can get indexed rather quickly with blogs, therefore generating a lot of traffic to your website through the search engines.

Getting backlink is a traffic generating technique that you can get started on immediately. Backlinks can be achieve several ways, one is a reciprocal link. Reciprocal links is when you place another marketers link on your website in exchange for them placing your link on theirs. Another way is to place ads free or paid in several listings across the internet using your url as the source. The best way I have found to use backlinks is posting to another website such as a popular blogspot.

Yahoo Answers:
Yeah that’s right! Yahoo Answers! Answering questions related to your niche will help you to generate traffic to your website for the simple fact that Yahoo allows you to post your url as the source of the answer. After answering a few questions on the same topic, people will began to recognize you as an expert. Being seen as an expert in your niche topic will give you credibility and help generate even more unique visitors to your website.

Thank You Page:
Do you have use a squeeze page to generate traffic to your website? When someone fills your form with their information it takes them to a thank you page where the message usually reads”thank you for your subscription…etc”. Did you know that you can redirect your thank you page to any website of your choice. Redirecting your thank you page is a great way to generate targeted traffic to your site. The reason the traffic is targeted is because the person signing the form was definitely interest in your product, why not redirect themto your blog or another website with similar content. You might be able to make a sale right away as opposed to them going through your autoresponder.

Getting a lot of traffic to your website is definitely a full time job, but if you dedicate yourself to learning a few every week, it becomes second nature. There are several more ways to generate traffic to your site, these five examples was just a few of them. I will disclose 5 more ways in my next posting.

To Your Success,
Marc Marseille

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Is "Struggling 101" An internet Marketing Course?

So far in my short career as an internet marketer I have read so many sob stories of how early struggles in the internet business turned into triumph, that I had to ask myself this question: Is Struggling 101 An internet Marketing Course? I am well aware of the struggles that goes along with being successful on the internet, I went through those same struggles myself. Lately I have begun to really wonder if the only way to success is going through internet marketing course “Struggling 101”. Every now and then you hear the stories of how easy making money on the net can be, but those stories are so for far fetched that you become skeptical instantly. Let’s face it, they say a fool is born every day and if that’s the case, then internet marketing gurus get richer everyday.

Through my numerous failures, following the glamorous depictions of success you see in advertisements throughout the internet, I became quite familiar with failure. The one thing about failing that always kept me going was the fact that the more I failed, the more I learned. I became more knowledgeable with every bad decision that I made. Now I’m not encouraging everyone out there to go out and plan to fail in order to succeed. I am just simply stating that struggling has a strong resemblance to a successful internet marketing course I refer to as “Struggling 101”. It would be helpful if we all had the answers on how to make making money on the internet easy or how to use strategic strategies to avoid struggling, but we do not. Unfortunately many internet marketers often become known as “tire kickers” because they became a student, and failed the internet marketing course Struggling 101.

Struggling to succeed on the internet doesn’t have to become a mandatory internet marketing course that everyone must take. There are ways to avoid going through this dreaded internet marketing course. Learning how to generate traffic to your website is the key to your success in this industry. Before you even create a website you should learn at least 10 ways to generate traffic to your website or webpage. Traffic is the lifeline to any internet business, and there are several free programs out there that educates newbie marketers the art of generating traffic. One of the programs that I recommend is a 7 day ecourse called “10,000 hits a day”. This particular ecourse consists of a 3 day step by step program to generate traffic and a full marketing plan on how to advertise your business.
The internet marketing course Struggling 101 is another option. One thing to remember in your quest for success is that there will be some level of difficulty, if you are not willing to work hard then you will not succeed. Although you can learn a lot from your bad experiences, successful planning along with a good marketing plan will help you to avoid taking any internet marketing courses with a failure rate of 97%.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Amazing Internet Marketing System

I recently emabarked upon an amazing internet marketing system, the system is called “The SpiderWeb Marketing system”. I have been in marketing for 7 years, in my experiences I have worked with several different systems. Approximately 18 month ago I became involve in internet marketing. The challenges that internet marketing posed was exciting and a beast that I felt I had to conquer. Marketing on the internet is definitely not for everyone, statistics show that 97% of all internet marketers fail, but not before they spend large amounts of money. It took 6 long months of trying several different programs and systems before I could began to understand the nature of the business. after getting my share of losses in internet marketing, I came to the realization that internet marketing has nothing to do with your education, experience or financial backgrounds. The main reason people fail is because they do not the research it takes to locate the right internet marketing system. With motivation, a strong will to succeed and a solid internet marketing system you can plug any product or program into that system to achieve success.

I was more than halfway to success now that I realized that the backbone of the internet marketing elite was having a proven marketing system. The question that lingered in my mind was, how long was it going to take me to find the marketing system that was right for me. It was a question that caused me to have many sleepless nights because I was determined to succeed, besides I had lost to much money, I had to succeed. Fortunately for me the pain did not last much longer, shortly after my A-HA moment, I found an amazing internet marketing system. This multi-faceted system is appropriately called “The SpiderWeb Marketing System” because using this system will help you spin your web over the world wide web.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System solved all my problems and best of all it provided me with 12 streams of income. After many months of frustration I was very skeptical, but it did not take me long to see the power of this amazing internet marketing system. The system is powered by social marketing, the major search engines, blogging, and affiliate products to name of few of the advantages. The most amazing part about this legendary internet marketing system is, most of the work is completely automated, you can literally spend 5 minutes a day to score at will with the system. I strongly recommend that any newbie marketer just entering the internet marketing arena do themselves a favor and try this system first, it is totally free to join. There is no need to go through many months of searching only to join the statistics of the many they have failed. The SpiderWeb Marketing system provides its members with 22 instructional videos to insure the success. To make this even more simpler all members of the SpiderWeb System get there blogs generated for them every month automatically. The majority of all promotions are handled by the system, all you have to do is implement the system. I can’t imagine this amazing internet marketing system being free for much longer. For more info go to The SpiderWeb Marketing System .

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Best Free Advertising Ever

Advertising on the internet just got a lot easier. Have you ever wondered how you could advertise all your business on the net for free? Have you ever wanted your very own advertising page? Well You’re in luck, Linkscout is the best free advertising ever. Linkscout provides its members with their own advertising page, it’s like having an instant website. Generating traffic to your website can sometimes become a more than full time experience, which forces you to join many programs in order in order to create traffic to your site. With Linkscout your problems are solved, you can now list all your business programs on one page and promote your business with one link. The days of placing 20 ads to 20 advertising companies on the web are done.

Why is Linkscout the best advertising ever? Because Linkscout is also a search engine, not only will you be able to advertise your own advertising page, you will also receive advertising from searches done in Linkscout’s search engine portal. You can create your own keywords to enhance your website’s chances of being viewed. In addition to the search engine portal, Linkscout is also a traffic exchange, you can view other members sites in exchange for views to your website. Imagine having your free advertising page that promotes itself and generates visitors through its own search engine portal.

Why is Linkscout the best free advertising ever? Because once you upgrade your membership, Linkscout will manage all your affiliate programs for you. Managing your programs includes signing new recruits, assisting in building your downline, and providing your visitors access to several Clickbank products all embedded with your Clickbank I.D.. To summarize everything, Linkscout

will provide you with your very own advertising page, an internal search portal, an internal traffic exchange, manage your affiliate programs and much more. If you still do not see why Linkscout is the best free advertising ever, you must be insane. Don’t take my word for it, visit Linkscout for yourself, only then will you fully understand why I feel that Linkscout is the best free advertising ever.