Friday, April 25, 2008

How To Get Repeat Visitors For Your Website

The internet is an ever growing business which thrives on the ability to market yourself. Every day you are faced with the dubious task of trying to figure out exactly how to drive traffic to your website. The ironic part is once you have generated some traffic, you now have to learn how to get repeat visitors to your website. All of a sudden generating traffic just doesn’t feel so hard. There are many ways to generate traffic to your website, one of them is a program called 10,000 hits a day. Using this program will eleviate your worries about the traffic generation problem. Tackling the next traffic issue is a little complicated. How to get repeat visitors to your website is a question that can answered by looking at the content of your website. The content of your website is a powerful tool to lure repeat visitors back to your site. One of the important aspects that attracts repeat visitors is fresh content. If someone visited your website one day and returns a week later, you should have updated your site to entice the customer to make return visits. Also it is a good idea to offer a newsletter to inform your visitor of new promotions or products you may have in the future. Getting repeat visitors on the internet is similar to getting repeat visitors in a restaurant. The customer will always be a return visitor if the service rendered was good. Internet shoppers arrive at you website searching for your product, so the more information you provide them will decide whether or not to come back. After today you should never ask the question how to get repeat visitors for your website again. The answer to the question how to get repeat visitors to your site is CONTENT. You should also make sure that your content is not just in the form of great graphic designs, they will be impress but then what? They will still be in need of what they came to your site for, which is precise, reliable, well delivered information. I hope I was able to shed some light on how to get repeat visitors to your website, If you desire further information sign up for my newsletter at

Conversion Junction


Traffic Techniques For My Website

When you have a website you need to have proper
traffic techniques to get the most possible results
from your efforts. There is allot of traffic techniques
that you can do to maximize your efforts. The one way I
have found to be the best traffic technique is by
using traffic exchanges. Traffic exchanges can be the
fastest and best possible ways to get a lot of traffic
and be generating traffic to your website. Now a lot of
people use several different traffic techniques to
generate results. With traffic exchanges it is simply a
traffic exchange website that receives website
submissions from webmasters that join traffic exchange
networks. The person who submitted the website then
has to browse other member sites on the exchange
program to get credits, which in return enables your
site to be viewed by other members through the surf
system. This increases the number of visitors to all
the sites involved. Traffic Exchanges give a certain
credit ratio, which is simply the amount of websites
the surfer must view in order to receive one hit
credit or more through the program for their promoted
website. Now a lot of people that use this traffic
technique tend to spend an average of one hour or more
trying to generate a lot of traffic to their website
with traffic exchanges. What if i told you there was a
way to multiply your efforts by ten times or more. This
means that you can put less time and effort into
generating a lot of traffic and can see maximum
results. The way to get the best possible results is
using the traffic technique called 10000 hits a
day. Now by using this traffic technique for your
website, you can start earning credits and that means
more views and more visitors coming to you. The best
thing with this traffic technique is that you can earn
more credits and more views even when you are not
working. With 10000 hits a day you can earn money even
if people are not interested in what you are trying to
promote through your website. Now some of you might
have used several different traffic techniques to get
traffic to your website, but it is always a good thing
when you can get the best possible results, with little
effort. Now some of you might have had good and bad
experiences using traffic exchanges. It does not matter
if you are brand new to the internet game or a
seasoned professional, you should always be looking for
a way to maximize your efforts. If you are looking for
that way, then check out

Traffic Techniques


Converting Traffic Into Sales

The main tool that most internet marketers seek everyday is a way of
generating traffic to their website, but before you can began the the task of
generating traffic to your website your need to have a plan of how you will be
converting traffic into sales. Traffic conversions is something you rarely hear
internet marketers talk about. Everybody is a searching for that traffic generating
tool that’s going to bring mass amounts of traffic to their website.
Converting traffic into sales is an art of its own. To successfully raise your traffic conversion ratio you must have a great system in place to provide your potential prospects with a solid product. Many people believe that a fancy website design is all that is needed in converting traffic into cash, but I have found it to be the opposite. People that are drawn to your website usually arrive at your website through an advert that peaked their interest, so therefore fancy graphics alone cannot make a sale. They clicked on an ad hoping to find information on a particular product, so I truly believe that converting traffic into sales is directly related to the content of your web page. Web traffic conversions usually occur when someone has seen or reviewed a product several times, usually seven times before a customer will consider purchasing a product. So keep that in mind, it would also be smart to set up a web form on your website that can attract the potential customer to leave his information for future sales or your newsletter, something to enhance your chances of converting that traffic into a sale. As you can see it is more complicated to convert traffic into cash. I hope I was able to increase your knowledge on how to increase conversions on your website, so now maybe you can concentrate on how to get more web traffic. For more info on this topic go to

Conversion Junction


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

10,000 Hits A Day

Getting traffic to your website is the key to success in the internet marketing industry. There are many way to generate traffic, but if not used correctly it can be the cause of great frustration. Today I am going to disclose the best way I've found to use the top traffic exchanges.

Traffic Exchange websites are fairly simple to understand; you view a certain number of other advertisers websites and in return you get credited base on your level of membership, a certain number of views to your site. The problem with the traffic exchange sites are that people surfing these exchanges are generally not interested in most of the products being advertised. Their main reason for surfing traffic exchanges is to attempt to generate traffic to their own website, they most likely are not going to be interested in your business opportunity. Furthermore, you have about 10 seconds to grab their attention and entice them towards your
web business. The way around that scenario is you have to become creative.

As I mentioned earlier traffic exchange surfers are surfing for traffic themselves, so therefore the best way to stop them in their surfing frenzy is to feed them what they are hungry for. The way to achieve that goal is to offer a free traffic generating product using your squeeze page. The surfer will then have stop to fill your opt-in form, which you will provide in the body of your squeeze page. An opt-in a form is a web form that allows you to capture a person name, email address in order to provide them with information later. Once you've captured their email address, you can then market your product or services to them by way of email...but be careful in your approach because they can always unsubscribe.

The program that I recommend that has worked for me the best is called 10,000 Hits a Day. This particular program if followed as directed, generates 5 to 15 leads per day on a regular basis. 10,000 Hits A Day will also help you build a downline that will generate traffic credits for you every time they surf. Once you become an upgraded member in the top traffic exchanges the program rewards you even more with cash for every referral upgrade. I suggest that you use Traffic Hoopla if you want to surf with the top traffic exchanges. Traffic Hoopla rates the top traffic exchange websites on a monthly basis and provides accurate information on the top traffic exchange sites.

I hope I was able to help you to understand how to make better use of the top traffic exchange sites. The next step is to get the 10,000 Hits A Day system for yourself and give a try.

10,000 Hits A Day

Happy Surfing,
Marc Marseille

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Marketing Online – The Beginner’s Overwhelm Factor!

The beginner who decides to begin marketing online will find what amounts to a confusing jumble of sales letters, tips, blog posts, expert opinions, and the rest of the hodgepodge “guidance” for marketing online --- each document claiming to be the way and the light that will lead them to an extraordinary online career. It can be overwhelming.

LAS VEGAS, NV – April 2 2008 – Judith Sherven, Jim Sniechowski, and Tom Justin, producers of the world-acclaimed “First Step Internet Marketing”- the only course for the true beginner - tell us that typically overwhelm is part and parcel of the beginner’s online marketing experience. And with good reason.

When a beginner asks the very legitimate question – “Where do I start?” – that seemingly simple and straightforward question is rarely answered in simple terms.

“Most of the so-called beginners' courses were not and are not for the true beginner,” Justin assured us.

“Not at all,” Sherven added. “They're being taught by gurus who have had extensive marketing and/or technological backgrounds who have long ago forgotten what it was like to be a beginner.”

The major problem beginners face is ending up in overwhelm – intellectual frustration and emotional fatigue – and too often they just give up.

Although they have become successful Internet marketers in their own right, when they started online Sherven, Sniechowski, and Justin – who call themselves “Two Shrinks and a Marketing Guy” – suffered through the mind-twisting, mind-numbing complexities of online technologies, as well as having to adapt to the unique strategies and tactics that are required to market online.

So now - well experienced and Internet savvy - Sherven, Sniechowski, and Justin now assure anyone starting out that there really is a cure for overwhelm.

“Like anything else you learn,” Sniehcoskie said, “you have to start at the beginning and build a solid foundation. Overwhelm is experienced in direct proportion to the lack of basics. That’s not a brilliant insight. That’s just common sense.”

Justin continued, “Your decision to join the ranks of Internet marketers has to be accompanied by another equally important decision — that you will begin at the beginning.”

The trio warns against shooting for get-rich-quick results.

“They are a fantasy,” Sherven admantly says. “There isn’t one successful Interent marketer who hasn’t built his or her business in a focused, systematic, step-by-step approach. Not one.”

So if you’re looking to join the ranks of those who market online, don’t make the mistake of rushing. You’ll rush yourself right out of the business and all the extraordinary possibilities marketing online holds for your future.

Judith Sherven, Jim Sniechowski, and Tom Justin teach fledgling Internet marketers through their course “First Step Internet Marketing." To learn more about whether marketing online is right for you, make sure you get your Free copy of a special report "The Future of Internet Marketing" at


Note: Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski’s photo is available at

Judith & Jim are available for interviews and can provide articles on soft sell marketing and selling as spiritual service.


Judith Sherven

Judith Sherven (
9101 W Sahara Ave 105-K1
Las Vegas, NV 89117

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Do Your Potential Customers Forget About You?

Your web business probably gets product inquiries from potential customers around the globe. Inquiries come via e-mail and your web site, and you try to send information to each hot prospect as quickly as you can. You know that you can drastically increase the likelihood of making a sale by satisfying each person's need for information quickly!

But, after you've delivered that first bit of information to your prospect, do you send him any further information?

If you are like most Internet marketers, you don't.

When you don't follow that initial message with additional information later on, you let a valuable prospect slip from your grasp! This is a potential customer who may have been very interested in your products, but who lost your contact information, or was too busy to make a purchase when your first message reached him. Often, a prospect will purposely put off making a purchase, to see if you find him important enough to follow up with later. When he doesn't receive a follow up message from you, he will take his business elsewhere.

Are you losing profits due to inconsistent and ineffective follow up?
Following up with leads is more than just a process - it's an art. In order to be effective, you need to design a follow up system, and stick to it, EVERY DAY! If you don't follow up with your prospects consistently, INDIVIDUALLY, and in a timely fashion, then you might as well forget the whole follow up process.

Consistent follow up gets results!
When I first started marketing and following up with prospects, I used a follow up method that I now call the "List Technique." I had a large database containing the names and e-mail addresses of people who had specifically requested information about my products and services. These prospects had already received my first letter by the time they requested more information, so I used the company's latest news as a follow up piece. I would write follow up newsletters every now and then, and send them, in one mass mailing, to everyone who had previously requested information from me. While this probably did help me win a few additional orders, it wasn't a very good follow up method. Why isn't the "List Technique" very effective?

The List Technique isn't consistent. Proponents of the List Technique tend to only send out follow up messages when their companies have "big news".

List Technique messages don't give the potential customer any additional information about the product or service in question. He can't make a more informed buying decision after receiving a newsletter! If someone is wondering whether your company sells the best knick-knacks, what does he care that you've just moved your headquarters?

List Technique messages convey a "big list" mentality to your potential customers. When I used to write follow up messages using the List Technique, I was writing news bulletins to everyone I knew! I should have been sending a personal message to each individual who wanted to know more about my products.

What follow up method really works?
Following up with each lead individually, multiple times, but at set intervals, and with pre-written messages, will dramatically increase sales! Others who use this same technique confirm that they have all at least doubled the sales of various products! In order to set this system up, though, you need to do some planning.

First, you'll need to develop your follow up messages. If you've been marketing on the Internet for any length of time, then you should already have a first informative letter. Your second letter marks the beginning of the follow up process, and should go into more detail than the first letter. Fill this letter with details that you didn't have the space to add to the first letter. Stress the BENEFITS of your products or services!

Your next 2-3 follow up messages should be rather short. Include lists of the benefits and potential uses of your products and services. Write each letter so that your prospects can skim the contents, and still see the full force of your message.

The next couple of follow up messages should create a sense of urgency in your prospect's mind. Make a special offer, giving him a reason to order NOW instead of waiting any longer. After reading these follow up messages, your prospect should want to order immediately!

Phrase each of your final 1 or 2 follow up messages in the form of a question. Ask your prospect why he hasn't yet placed an order? Try to get him to actually respond. Ask if the price is to high, the product isn't the right color or doesn't have the right features, or if he is looking for something else entirely. (By this time, it's unlikely that this person will order from you. However, his feedback can help you modify your follow up letters or products, so that other prospects will order from you.)

The timing of your follow up letters is just as important as their content. You don't want one prospect to receive a follow up the day after he gets your initial informative letter, while another prospect waits weeks for a follow up!

Always send an initial, informative letter as soon as it is requested, and send the first follow up 24 hours afterwards. You want your hot prospects to have information quickly, so that they can make informed buying decisions!

Send the next 2-3 follow up messages between 1 and 3 days apart. Your prospect is still hot, and is probably still shopping around! Tell him about the benefits of your products and services, as opposed to your competitors'. You will make the sale!

Send the final follow up messages later on. You certainly don't want to annoy your prospect! Make sure that these last letters are at least 4 days apart.

Following up effectively seems complicated, but it doesn't have to be! So many potential customers are lost because of poor follow up - don't you want to be one of the few to get it right?

Tom Kulzer, CEO and Founder of Newtown, PA based AWeber Communications, Inc. an opt-in email service provider. With 7 years managing opt-in follow up and newsletters for small businesses, email deliverability is an integral part of day to day operations. Learn more:
